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    Financial Information

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    Consolidated Income Statement as at 31-Dec-2016

     2016 RM 2015 RM
    Net Profit for the year 2,454,711 3,394,801
    Interest income 28,561,359 22,918,887 
    Interest expense (14,630,417) (11,221,279)
    Net interest income 13,930,942 11,697,608
    Fees and commission income 4,146,494 3,639,418
    Fees and commission expense (325,105) (57,952)
    Net fee and commission income 3,821,389 3,581,466
    Other income 306,790 88,609
    Total net operating income 18,059,121 15,367,683
    General and administrative expenses (13,155,044) (10,368,109)
    Allowance for bad and doubtful Loans and advances (1,345,249) (584,085)
    Profit before income tax 3,558,828 4,415,489
    Income tax expense (1,104,117) (1,020,688)


    Equity 2016 RM 2015 RM
    Total Liabilities and Equity 480,485,198 414,097,400
    Paid-up capital 59,000,000 39,000,000
    Other reserves 5,000,000  
    Retained earnings 13,765,412 16,230,582
    Total Equity 77,765,412 55,230,582

    Liabilities and Equity Liabilities

    Liabilities 2016 RM 2015 RM
    Total Liabilities 402,719,786 358,866,818
    Deposits from customers 317,507,103 276,040,143
    Deposits by other banks 74,933,739 75,319,324
    income tax payable 934,941 779,236
    Other liabilities 9,344,003 6,728,115

    Consolidate Balance Sheet as at 31-Dec-2016
    2016 RM 2015 RM
    Total Assets 480,485,198 414,097,400
    Cash and bank balances 29,524,517 62,487,036
    Deposits and placements with banks and other financial institutions 76,915,000 68,138,750
    Loans and advances-net 308,792,754 226,122,681
    Other assets 4,196,834 3,946,291
    Statutory deposits 45,208,000 38,406,000
    Instangible assets 1,066,079 413,692
    Property and equipment 14,484,689 14,582,950
    Deferred tax assets 597,325